The Netherlands “Holland” is a country in Western Europe bordered by the North Sea to the north and west, Belgium to the south, and Germany to the east. The capital is Amsterdam, and the currency is the Euro. The official language is Dutch, although English and German are widely spoken. It is a constitutional monarchy with a democratically elected parliament. It is a member of the EU, OECD, GATT, IMF, UN, NATO and the World Bank. It is a major trading centre and one of the richest nations in the world. It has significant natural gas resources and rich agricultural land. It is a major distribution centre due to its location in Europe. It also has a developed financial services sector.
- TYPE OF COMPANY: Limited Company ( Besloten Vennootschap )
- COMPANY LAW: Commercial Code (as amended) / The Flexi – BV Act 2012
- DIRECTORS: Minimum one who can be of any residency or nationality and either natural persons or corporate bodies* – we can provide
- SECRETARY: Not required
- SHAREHOLDERS: Minimum one who can be of any residency or nationality and either natural persons or corporate bodies – we can provide
- CLASSES OF SHARE: Registered
- CAPITAL REQUIREMENTS: Minimum €1 (share capital can be denominated in any currency)
- OWNERSHIP: 100% Foreign ownership allowed
- TIME TO INCORPORATE: 7 – 14 days
- REGISTERED OFFICE: Required in Netherlands – we can provide
- ACCOUNTS: Yes (audited for larger companies)
- TAXATION: Varies between 20% and 25%
- LANGUAGE OF DOCUMENTATION: Dutch with certified English translation
*In order to obtain relief under the taxation treaties signed by the Netherlands the company would need to be deemed resident and have the majority of the directors resident in the Netherlands.
If you would like further information on setting up a company in The Netherlands or the formation of a Netherlands company or other Netherlands corporate entities or require professional advice relating to taxation or the structuring and requirements of a Netherlands company, please contact us. We can also provide advice on establishing a subsidiary, joint venture or foreign company to carry on business in The Netherlands.
We can provide a wide range of support and administration services, bank introductions, nominee directors, nominee shareholders, virtual offices, accountancy and legal services. We can also advise on compliance with all the regulatory and statutory requirements.
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