

The TCS Group provide advice in good faith and in accordance with their understanding of
prevailing legislation. The TCS Group its officers and employees are not responsible for any
financial consequences which might be caused or suffered, directly or indirectly, as a result of
any advice we give.

We accept no responsibility for any deeds or documents held in safe
custody that are damaged or lost as a result of theft, fire or water damaged on your behalf.

Information contained in our website or advice we give does not constitute an offer of services
in any jurisdiction in which such services are not authorised or which are not in the jurisdiction
of the reader of this information.

The TCS Group adheres to internationally accepted rules and regulations aimed at the
prevention of weapons trafficking, drug smuggling, terrorist financing and money laundering.
We will not knowingly aid in the facilitation of these or any other illegal activities. We are
obliged by statute to report suspicion of any such activities to the appropriate authorities.
While we respect and indeed closely guard the confidentiality of applicants and clients, we
are obligated to gain a firm understanding of both the identity of our clients and the nature
and ongoing operations of the business. This includes initial KYC (Know Your Client) and
ongoing due diligence procedures. The TCS Group reserves the right not to accept a client’s
instructions and to end any client relationship at any time without giving a reason

No responsibility for loss occasioned directly or indirectly to any person or company acting or
refraining from acting partially or wholly upon or as a result of the material in our website or
advice given or for any error in or omission on our website can be accepted by the publisher,
author, editor, contributor, consultant, employee, officer or any company referred to herein.

Nothing in our website or advice is intended nor should it be construed as sanctioning in any
way, advocating or condoning directly or indirectly the commission of any unlawful act or
the omission by any person or company in any jurisdiction or the improper use of offshore
structures for any illegal or fraudulent purpose.

The information contained within our website or advice is for guidance only and should not
be relied upon for legal or tax advice within your own country. Clients are specifically advised
and warned that they should seek appropriate and timely tax and legal advice (in their
jurisdiction) from a qualified tax professional licensed to render such professional advice
prior to instructing us.

Whilst it is not illegal for a USA resident to own an offshore structure and/or bank account,
the USA Government and Internal Revenue Service have stiff penalties for not reporting a
beneficial interest in Foreign Companies, being a signatory on a foreign bank account or a
beneficiary status of a foreign trust or Foundation.

Any information contained in our website or advice given by us is not intended and must not
be used to contravene any Federal or State laws of the USA or the laws of any other Country.

Clients should be aware that information contained in this website may be subject to change by Governments, Tax Authorities or other Regulatory Bodies E & OE