Liechtenstein Company Formation

Liechtenstein Company Formation


Liechtenstein is a central European landlocked country located with Switzerland to the west and Austria to the east. It is Europe’s fourth smallest state. The capital of Liechtenstein is Vaduz, and the currency is the Swiss Franc (CHF). The official language is German. The country actually has fewer citizens than it has companies registered. In recent years, Liechtenstein has become more globally and fiscally transparent and has signed numerous double-taxation treaties. Liechtenstein is one of the most developed and established financial service centres in the world. It has a low tax rate and flexible corporate governance rules, it also has strict banking secrecy. The economy is stable and communications are excellent.

  • TYPE OF COMPANY: Limited Liability Company – Aktiengesellschaft  (AG)*                
  • COMPANY LAW: Personen und Gesellschaftsrecht mit dem Gesetz über das Treuhandunternehmen 1926 (Persons and Companies Law with the Law on Registered Trusts) ( as amended)                        
  • SUFFIX TO DENOTE LIMITED LIABILITY: AG or SA                              
  • DIRECTORS: Minimum of one who can be an natural person or a corporate entity of any residency or nationality – we can provide                                        
  • SHAREHOLDERS: Minimum of one of any residency or nationality 
  • CLASSES OF SHARE: Registered or Bearer            
  • CAPITAL REQUIREMENTS: Minimum authorised and fully paid up capital of CHF 50,000                   
  • OWNERSHIP: 100% Foreign ownership allowed 
  • TIME TO INCORPORATE: 5-10 days  
  • REGISTERED OFFICE: Required in Liechtenstein – we can provide   
  • TAXATION: 12.5%
  • DOUBLE TAXATION TREATIES: Austria and Luxembourg
  • LANGUAGE OF DOCUMENTATION: German with English certified translation

*The Anstalt is commonly used as a holding company for overseas companies, it has no members, participants or shareholders and is a hybrid of a company limited by shares and a foundation. Please contact our offices for further information

If you would like further information on setting up a company in Liechtenstein or the formation of a Liechtenstein company or other Liechtenstein corporate entities or require professional advice relating to taxation or the structuring and requirements of a Liechtenstein company, please contact us. We can also provide advice on establishing a subsidiary, joint venture or foreign company to carry on business in Liechtenstein.

We can provide a wide range of support and administration services, bank introductions, nominee directors, nominee shareholders, virtual offices, accountancy and legal services. We can also advise on compliance with all the regulatory and statutory requirements.