Japan Company Formation

Japan Company Formation

Yokohama and Mt. Fuji

Japan is an island nation in East Asia, in the Pacific Ocean, lying to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south. The characters that make up Japan’s name mean “sun-origin” which is why it is sometimes referred to as “Land of the Rising Sun”. The capital city is Tokyo. The Official language is Japanese. It is a major economic power. It also is a constitutional monarchy but the influence of the Emperor is very limited and he is seen more as a ceremonial figurehead. Power is chiefly held by the Prime Minister and other elected members of the Diet, a bicameral parliament.

  • TYPE OF COMPANY: Kabushiki Kaisha (Limited Company)
  • COMPANY LAW: Corporate law 2006
  • SUFFIX TO DENOTE LIMITED LIABILITY: Kabushiki Kaisha (either as a suffix or prefix)
  • DIRECTORS: One who must be a “representative director” and resident in Japan – we can provide. The remaining directors can be of any residency/nationality
  • SECRETARY: Not required
  • SHAREHOLDERS: Corporate or Natural persons
  • CLASSES OF SHARE: Registered
  • OWNERSHIP: 100% Foreign ownership allowed
  • TIME TO INCORPORATE: 4 – 8 weeks
  • REGISTERED OFFICE: Required in Japan – we can provide
  • ACCOUNTS: Yes Audited
  • TAXATION: Varies
  • DOUBLE TAXATION TREATIES: With many countries
  • LANGUAGE OF DOCUMENTATION: Japanese with a certified English translation

** It is also possible to form a Yugen Sekinin Jigyo Kumiai which is similar to a LLP. It is not a corporation but a contractual relationship between the partners who enjoy limited liability or a Godo-Kaisha which is a Japanese LLC.

We can provide a wide range of support and administration services, bank introductions, nominee directors, nominee shareholders, virtual offices, accountancy and legal services. We can also advise on compliance with all the regulatory and statutory requirements.